Sunday, March 18, 2007

one month

One Month already since I got home.
What have I done so far?
After relaxing a bit and spending time with my families during the Chinese New Year, I started to study for the TOEIC test which took place this morning.
Surprisingly that during the three weeks, I somehow could manage to concentrate myself on the preparation so much that I felt like again in the last year of senior high school when studying for the Joint College Entrance Examination.
I'll know my score on 4/6, and hope it'll be satisfactory.
Besides, I edited and opened my resume online then received quite some phone calls inviting for interviews.
I went to some of them and got a few offers, but I shall only start to do the job-hunting seriously from tomorrow.
I now feel both nervous and excited about my future job, since it'll greatly influence what learning experiences and life type I’ll have, what new people I'll meet, and how I'll look like in the future.
I'm still confused about the future and don't know if I can once again get used to the working-overtime culture in Taiwan.
But I'm not in a hurry, and I believe gradually I'll find out the answers.
Meanwhile I also met some friends and had a good time chatting with them.
I know there are still many people that I haven't met since my return.
I apologize for that and hope I'll manage to spare time to meet you all.
I also deeply realize that I already move on to the next stage of my life, when meeting with the friends of my age and we were mostly talking about career and marriage; when attending the LCP election of my LC and found out it had been five years since I was elected as the LCP.
Indeed I miss the past very much whenever I recall something, but also understand that I have to grow up and take the challenges in front of me.
Right now I'm no more afraid and ready to create my own story.
So, let the game begin!