Sunday, November 19, 2006


It's so strange.
A few days ago I was still thinking that it was hard for me not to fall in love with Romania; all of a sudden everything around me is just wrong.
I'm not saying that my culture is better or something like that, but they're just too different, and recently I just feel that I'll never really get used to the culture here.
I'm also very confused because there're so many things that I don't know how to judge or how to set the standards.
I don't know if I should trust when someone promises something, since most of the people here change their mind or postpone things quite often.
I don't know how to distinguish if a guy likes me or just treats me as a friend, since everyone here is so close with others.
I don't know if I should be on time, since it sometimes happens that when I'm on time on one appears and when I'm late people are waiting for me.
And I'm fed up with being special because I'm the very rare Asian girl here.
It sounds funny but I miss the feeling of being an ordinary person and no one will pay attention to you when you walk on the street.
Here forever I'm just a guest, people treat me nice and friendly because I'm foreigner but I can never overcome the culture and language barriers.
I want to think positively, but I just can't get these negative thoughts out of my mind.
Yesterday at the business support fair I just kind of exploded when a bunch of naughty kids kept asking me to write Chinese characters for them.
All their laughter and words about "China" made me feel like a special monkey from Asia in the zoo, and when I realized I already shouted rudely at them "I'm not writing anymore!"
I myself felt so surprised that I lost my calm and did that to them, so I just said "I'm very sorry, but I'm not writing anymore" although they might not even really understand what I was talking about.
After that, I knew it was super unprofessional, but I couldn't help crying for around half an hour at the stand.
Besides, it never rains but pours, tonight on my way home a guy rode a bicycle pass by me and touched my ass.
After two minutes, another guy, or the same guy, I couldn't really tell, walked by me and also touched my ass.
I didn't know what to do besides looking at him angrily and then walked faster away.
Anyway I guess God is fair since I was too happy in the past half year.
Sorry for being emotional in this post and I hope I'll get over this low-tide period very soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear friend, I am so sorry to hear that you're such out of luck. It must be bloody tough for anyone to be in your situation no matter how strong they are. Just have pity on those pathetic people and have faith in that you have already won a wonderful war, cuz I firmly believe God already made you a stronger and more wonderful person through all those things. Dont forget you have full support from your friends and family here in Taiwan. Plz take good care of yourself with all our wishes.

Your friend, Matthew.

alexandru toma said...

Hello Michelle,

I'm very sorry to hear this things.But the most important thing is that you are a wonderful person.Keep up the good work!

I'm really sorry that I can't handle the problem with NEXT and let you alone. I feel very sad and hope we can discuss on skype to know the problem exactly.

Also hope we will remain friends was a pleasure for me to work with you.

Take care of @Romania trainees because we should work a lot on quality!we have problems on this apart...

Alex -used to be NEXT

trying to smile

my blog: ( i will write also there about what happened to me)

WchL said...

Hello Michelle,

This is Wallis. I'm not sure whether your emotions last long or just a temporary uncomfotable feeling due to work, relationship or others. My suggest is to figure out the real reason for the situation that you're in now. It's really difficult to live and work outside the environment that you used to be,, especially when you feel that you are "alone". As you mentioned, you're "rare' there, so it's easy for you to experience the cultural differences between you and others. I suggest that you should look it positively, no matter how sad you feel now. After all, not many people have such an experience as you to live in an environment, which differentiates from where you come from. I'm not sure whether my words help or not, if you want, we can talk more in msn!
Good luck and have fun to enjoy your traineeship!

Anonymous said...

hey dear,

If possible, come home to have Xmas holidays. That will be of good help.

take care,


Michelle Chen said...

Thank you my dear friends for all your support and encouragement.
Don't worry I'll be fine.