Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My adventure in Romania

Matched with Qual Design and started the preparation of this traineeship

Supposed to leave for Romania in the end of this month but it didn’t happen because of the visa problem

Dreamed to have the Christmas and New Year in Europe but it still didn’t happen

Still waiting for the visa, frustrated

The application of visa was somehow rejected
Decided to apply again after struggling because I’m stubborn

Mom and Dad asked me to set a deadline for the visa and not to wait endlessly

God finally hear my prayer and I got the visa!
But had to solve another problem: no flight seat available

Eventually got the flight seat and arrived in Romania!!!
Dey, Duba, Malin, Paul, Jillian, and Oliver welcomed me at the train station and celebrated my birthday
Moved in my first home in Zorilor
Visited Sinaia, Bucegi Mountain, Brasov, and Bran
First @ conference in Romania: TRIX
Everyone and everything is so new, different, and interesting
Deeply fell in love with Romania!

Jillian left
Moved to my second home in Cluj
First Taiwan Night
Made a big decision to extend the traineeship to one year!

Oliver left, CEEDs of Tomek and Peter came
Visited Zalou and Baia-Mare
Visited Targu-Mures and Sighisoara with @ Cluj
Second @ conference in Romania: LPM
Got the residence permit

Varvara came, Tomek and Peter left
Visited Buzias, Timisraoa, Costinesi, Neptun, and Bucharest

Varvara left
Celebrated Ilinca and Duba’s birthday in Cugir
Visited Oradea
Third @ conference in Romania: Rock Me
Selected as the trainee council in the national support team exchange of @ Romania

Visited Cheile Turzii
Newies recruited
My blog was born

Lulu came
Fourth @ conference in Romania: LTS
Joined the OC team of NPS as the OC marketing
Homesick stroke

Visited Ana-Maria’s hometown Gherla for the Christmas and the mountain near Huedin for New Year with @ Cluj
Visited Timisoara again
Last @ conference in Romania: NPS
Second Taiwan Night
Fell in love with Romania again but at the same time still decided to go home for the Chinese New Year with families

Visited Sibiu and Bucharest
The end of the adventure with a lot of tear and unforgettable memories…

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


A.P. said...

be happy michelle .. and remember that you made a commitment to come back in cluj .. pupici from dey and take care of you my little taiwanese friend !

Dora said...

...see life will prove you will have reasons to smile in everything happening to you!!! Have wonderful experiences and lots of falling in love with places, people, time...

Michelle Chen said...

Don't worry my dear friends.
I'm now in Rotterdam and I've met some really surprising and interesting things, people, and accidents during my trip.
I'll share all the photos and stories with you later when I have time!
take care