Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Let me make an evaluation of the game that I played since coming home.
1.Friends & families: great, I spent time with them and I managed to meet most of the friends finally
2.TOEIC: great, I got a higher score (980) than I expected before.
3.Job: good, I got the offer from ASUS which is my first goal since I would like to do something global and that I love Taiwan, therefore want to promote the Taiwanese brand. But unlike what I planned before to work in the European Sales Department, I’ll work as a marketing PM in Multimedia Department instead. The reasons are that presently there are no job openings in the European Sales Department, I like the job description and culture of Multimedia Department after the interview with my boss, and that I think I still prefer marketing than sales. In this way I won't be able to visit Romania often, but I'll still keep my promise to go back during my vacation for my dear friends there!
4.Conclusion: I'm satisfied with what I have done so far and I'm looking forward to working at ASUS since next Mon.! I believe it'll be a good beginning of my 25-year-old life :)
5. New revolution: learn and absorb as much as I can at work but can also manage to strike the balance between career and my personal life~ 

mafia game in reality

The Mafia game is very popular in AIESEC Cluj and I played a lot with the friends there when I was in Romania.
It is a lot of fun and we can spend hours playing this mafia game until the next morning.
The main idea is that there are killers, a doctor, a police, and villagers in the game and no one knows what the roles other people are.
The killers must convince people that they are innocent while other people must try to catch the killers to save the village.
Recently as I watch a lot of news at home, I'm sorry to find out that everyone in reality is also playing this mafia game: some people are telling lies in order to protect themselves, and we, as innocent villagers, sometimes find it difficult to decide who to trust.
Unfortunately, the world seems to be filled with too many lies.
What can we trust?
The truth is out there?