Tuesday, June 12, 2007

one year ago

Taiwan night
Originally uploaded by Michelle_Chen

Today I got a mail from AIESEC Cluj-Napoca.
The AIESECers are really nice to update ex-trainees and SNs with what they have done recently and what has happened around Romania.
It is so nice to see the smiling faces from the pictures, to know that my dear Romanian friends are happy as always.
Yet it is also so strange when I recall what had happened last year at the time of a year and to see that I'm not there with them anymore.
It was the period that I crazily fell in love with Romania and then decided to stay longer, and it was the most correct decision I had made.
The 2006 summer in Romania was really unforgettable for me.
I'm now also doing well but just want to say that I'm so happy to have been to Romania and spent such a wonderful time with such amazing people.
I'm so lucky that I'm always surrounded by great people.


Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle! I'm really happy to see you're also ok! We miss you very very much! When are you coming back to visit us? You know you're always welcome here!

AIESEC Cluj-Napoca sends Hugs and Kisses!

Michelle Chen said...

Dear Adela,
Unfortunately I don't have any vacation this year since I'm new in the company(In Taiwan we don't have many vacations...), and therefore it's only possible for me to make it next year. Hopefully we can meet then, and thank you, I really miss the hugs and kisses in Cluj!

A.P. said...

Hey girl,
I was very surprised to see your post ... thank you for remembering us .. thank you for the lovely experince that you've created for us ... good luck my dear and I hope that some day, not very far from now on we will meet again !

pupici form Cluj !