Tuesday, December 05, 2006


我是天空裏的一片雲,I am a cloud in the sky,
偶爾投影在你的波心—— A chance shadow on the wave of your heart.
你不必訝異, Don't be surprised.
更無須歡喜—— or too elated.
在轉瞬間消滅了蹤影。In an instant I shall vanish without trace.

你我相逢在黑夜的海上,We meet on the sea of dark night,
你有你的,我有我的,方向;You on your way, I on mine
你記得也好, Remember if you will,
最好你忘掉, Or,better still, forget
在這交會時互放的光亮! The light exchanged in this encounter.

This is my favorite poem by a famous Chinese poet Hsu Chih-mo.
Sometimes the friendship/relationship between two people is just like crossed lines, you met someone and you two became closer and closer, but eventually after the crossed point the distance between you just grew and nothing can remain the same forever.
It is sometimes sad but as we step into different stages of life, we just have to let go when time and space changes…
Cherish the moments you're living now and at least we'll still have unforgettable memories in the future.
C'est la vie.

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