Monday, May 21, 2007


I started working in ASUS since the beginning of this month and how do I feel now?
Excellent I would say!
On my first day of being on board, my big boss encouraged every one of us not to work overtime and said that every day, we should preserve at least 20% of time for ourselves.
My mentor and other colleagues are great.
There's no office politics here and I strongly believe that we, as a team, can achieve our goal by working closely with each other.
I've been busy with the trainings and market surveys, but at the same time also really appreciate the opportunities that ASUS has offered to every employee.
Sometimes I also make mistakes, but they're precious experience for me to learn from these mistakes.
Anyway this is a short update to let everyone knows that I'm still alive and actually doing quite ok in ASUS :)


chercher said...

So great to read the news from you since I've been busy for several weeks and feel exhausted. Actually,your good experience also encourages me. May you be good hereafter.

A.P. said...

hey girl,

good luck with your new job ! i am sure that you will do a great job !

pupici !

Hallie said...

hey girl!it's me Hallie.
i'm back and having my newly returned chaotic life :p
so good to know you are doing great on your job and life,keep good keep good!!!

Michelle Chen said...

Thank you all, my friends.
I'll try to overcome all the difficulties that I encounter.
Hope you all are also doing well!

Marcel said...

Hey you!

I was listening to the tracks that came on my ASUS eeepc and saw your name. One google later and here I am. Did you create those tracks? In any case congratulations on your ASUS job and I'd be very happy to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Michelle,

you don't know me, and I don't know you; but this post on ASUS really got my attention. Sounds like a great company to work for! Sometime ago I saw an ASUS EEE PC, and my heart was taken. I know one day I will own one of those!

Anyway, the purpose of this comment is two-fold:

1. To ask how is life at ASUS after a little over a year, and
2. To ask what do you think of the EEE PC. Do you think it is worth puttin my money on it? The reasons I like it are (a) it's portable; (b) It runs Linux; and (c) It has almost all the core functions I need. The reasons I haven't got one yet are (a) I haven't saved the money I need; (b) I am not sure that the lack of a hard drive will be a big issue for me or not; and (c) I just haven't got around it.

So, what do you think? Feel free to answer in the comments section of this post if you want, so that other benefit from it; but would you mind sending me an email to TheCrazyColombian[@t]Gmail[d0t]com?

Good luck with your blog,

The Crazy Colombian