Sunday, July 29, 2007


To respond Dora :)
Three things I want to do till I die: go to Cluj, go to full moon party, have my own children
Three things I don't understand: myself, feelings, human nature
Three things I have now on my desk: some photos, some books, and my laptop

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

one year ago

Taiwan night
Originally uploaded by Michelle_Chen

Today I got a mail from AIESEC Cluj-Napoca.
The AIESECers are really nice to update ex-trainees and SNs with what they have done recently and what has happened around Romania.
It is so nice to see the smiling faces from the pictures, to know that my dear Romanian friends are happy as always.
Yet it is also so strange when I recall what had happened last year at the time of a year and to see that I'm not there with them anymore.
It was the period that I crazily fell in love with Romania and then decided to stay longer, and it was the most correct decision I had made.
The 2006 summer in Romania was really unforgettable for me.
I'm now also doing well but just want to say that I'm so happy to have been to Romania and spent such a wonderful time with such amazing people.
I'm so lucky that I'm always surrounded by great people.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

my 25-year-old memory


不要愛我 我害怕失去你而心粹 害怕面對承諾的不悔 陪著我走入深淵
不要愛我 我害怕面對你的誘惑 害怕未來故事的背後 不可告人的折磨
愛就像一陣煙又一轉眼 來去你和我之間 是無所謂又最飄忽的感覺
我只要一個吻或一雙眼 就看透了你的一切 是最濃烈最輕浮的表面
我不再如此渴望 讓幸福圍繞身旁
把愛情的謊 當作是虛幻假象
埋藏我彼憊的心 埋藏我所有慾望
把愛情的謊 給通通都遺忘 遺忘給通通都遺忘
我只能說 愛的盡頭是虛空 讓我孤獨的走 連最後一秒也不停留
我不再如此渴望 讓幸福圍繞身旁 把愛情的謊 當作是虛幻假象
埋藏我疲憊的心 埋藏我所有慾望 把愛情的謊 給通通都遺忘 遺忘
遺忘我所有悲傷 永遠不會再悲傷 我不再悲傷 不再悲傷 悲傷

Monday, May 21, 2007


I started working in ASUS since the beginning of this month and how do I feel now?
Excellent I would say!
On my first day of being on board, my big boss encouraged every one of us not to work overtime and said that every day, we should preserve at least 20% of time for ourselves.
My mentor and other colleagues are great.
There's no office politics here and I strongly believe that we, as a team, can achieve our goal by working closely with each other.
I've been busy with the trainings and market surveys, but at the same time also really appreciate the opportunities that ASUS has offered to every employee.
Sometimes I also make mistakes, but they're precious experience for me to learn from these mistakes.
Anyway this is a short update to let everyone knows that I'm still alive and actually doing quite ok in ASUS :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Let me make an evaluation of the game that I played since coming home.
1.Friends & families: great, I spent time with them and I managed to meet most of the friends finally
2.TOEIC: great, I got a higher score (980) than I expected before.
3.Job: good, I got the offer from ASUS which is my first goal since I would like to do something global and that I love Taiwan, therefore want to promote the Taiwanese brand. But unlike what I planned before to work in the European Sales Department, I’ll work as a marketing PM in Multimedia Department instead. The reasons are that presently there are no job openings in the European Sales Department, I like the job description and culture of Multimedia Department after the interview with my boss, and that I think I still prefer marketing than sales. In this way I won't be able to visit Romania often, but I'll still keep my promise to go back during my vacation for my dear friends there!
4.Conclusion: I'm satisfied with what I have done so far and I'm looking forward to working at ASUS since next Mon.! I believe it'll be a good beginning of my 25-year-old life :)
5. New revolution: learn and absorb as much as I can at work but can also manage to strike the balance between career and my personal life~ 

mafia game in reality

The Mafia game is very popular in AIESEC Cluj and I played a lot with the friends there when I was in Romania.
It is a lot of fun and we can spend hours playing this mafia game until the next morning.
The main idea is that there are killers, a doctor, a police, and villagers in the game and no one knows what the roles other people are.
The killers must convince people that they are innocent while other people must try to catch the killers to save the village.
Recently as I watch a lot of news at home, I'm sorry to find out that everyone in reality is also playing this mafia game: some people are telling lies in order to protect themselves, and we, as innocent villagers, sometimes find it difficult to decide who to trust.
Unfortunately, the world seems to be filled with too many lies.
What can we trust?
The truth is out there?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

one month

One Month already since I got home.
What have I done so far?
After relaxing a bit and spending time with my families during the Chinese New Year, I started to study for the TOEIC test which took place this morning.
Surprisingly that during the three weeks, I somehow could manage to concentrate myself on the preparation so much that I felt like again in the last year of senior high school when studying for the Joint College Entrance Examination.
I'll know my score on 4/6, and hope it'll be satisfactory.
Besides, I edited and opened my resume online then received quite some phone calls inviting for interviews.
I went to some of them and got a few offers, but I shall only start to do the job-hunting seriously from tomorrow.
I now feel both nervous and excited about my future job, since it'll greatly influence what learning experiences and life type I’ll have, what new people I'll meet, and how I'll look like in the future.
I'm still confused about the future and don't know if I can once again get used to the working-overtime culture in Taiwan.
But I'm not in a hurry, and I believe gradually I'll find out the answers.
Meanwhile I also met some friends and had a good time chatting with them.
I know there are still many people that I haven't met since my return.
I apologize for that and hope I'll manage to spare time to meet you all.
I also deeply realize that I already move on to the next stage of my life, when meeting with the friends of my age and we were mostly talking about career and marriage; when attending the LCP election of my LC and found out it had been five years since I was elected as the LCP.
Indeed I miss the past very much whenever I recall something, but also understand that I have to grow up and take the challenges in front of me.
Right now I'm no more afraid and ready to create my own story.
So, let the game begin!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Very soon it's been more than a week since I arrived home.
It has been really great to travel around, meet new people, and visit old friends before going home.
It is also so good without saying to enjoy the warmth from the family and keep them company.
But there are also moments when things are so familiar and strange at the same time for me.
First it's now so hot for me in Taiwan after staying in Romania for a long time.
When I arrived in Bangkok it was crazy that I was still wearing the coat and boots with fur inside when it was 35 degree there.
But because I know it's always so hot in Bangkok, the hot weather didn't surprise me and also because of the hot I realized that I was really in Bangkok and I miss this city.
However, when I went back in Taiwan, it was not much cooler with the temperature of about 26~27 degree, and I felt it was warmer than the summer in Cluj sometimes.
These days it has been cooler with about 18~20 degree but it's still too hot for me as the winter.
Second it's just too crowded especially during the Chinese New Year there were people everywhere.
It took us five and half hours to drive back to Taichung because of the traffic jam. (usually it only takes about two hours)
Actually I just feel stressed since I came back home and I don't know if it's somehow related with all these tall buildings, heavy traffic, and dense population.
But it was interesting that there were also some changes in me that I didn't realize until some other people told me.
For example when I met with the international MCs in Bangkok, the three of them all think I have the Romanian accent when I speak English and they were surprised that I was in Romania for only nine months.
I believe there are more changes in me that people will discover and then tell me :)

Although it's been great to come home, at this moment I have to say that somehow I still feel like losing my way in a dense fog and have no idea where the exit is.
There have been too many feelings, emotions, and memories since the day I left Cluj.
At some moments I felt that I miss Cluj so much that I think I have to try my best to go back as often as possible.
There were also moments that I was no more so determined and thought that maybe it was better to just keep those beautiful memories in mind and then move on to start my new life here or in another corner of the world and don't look back so often.
I also realized that I actually missed Bangkok very much when I was finally there, and all the past memories just came back to me like tides.
Sometimes I think I'll get bored if I stay in the same city in Taipei for the rest of my life, but sometimes I feel I need to be surrounded by close friends and can't work alone in a strange country.
"Listen to your inner voice and follow your heart," people say, but what should I do when there are so many voices inside me that I can't find the way my heart really wants to go?
Anyway hopefully soon I'll overcome the reverse culture shock and think clear what I really want in my life for myself, and then just go for it without hesitancy and regret.

some useful links for travel planning

Hospitality Club
Once you register and become a member, you can try to find someone to host you through this website. That was how I find someone to host me in Girona, Spain.

And another two cheap airline:
(the price of the two airlines might not as cheap as Ryanair or Easyjet, but if you consider the trasportation cost from the airport then maybe you can find something good.)
It's a Dutch airline so basically they have more routes from Netherlands.
You can take a look at this one if you're going to Spain.

some other very useful links:
you can choose the departure location and destination then this website will list all the flight companies with this route.
this one is even cooler because it also lists the prices of whole month